Terms of Use





Here at Global Cheese Ltd customer service is everything to us, we understand how sharing your personal data may alarm you, but we ensure that we will protect the data we have and use from you and value the trust that you have put into us.

If you are reading this Terms of Use (“Terms of use”) then you have used our website (“Site”) which has been brought to you by Global Cheese Ltd if any enquiries are to be made please feel free to get in touch with us at info@globalcheese.co.uk.

Anyone is permitted to utilise our website www.globalcheese.com following the terms and conditions set in the privacy policy.
By using our website, you have been considered to have read and accepted the following Terms of Use set, therefore if you in turn do not accept the Terms of Use (any part at all) then you are not permitted to use the Website.

As Global Cheese Ltd expands and develops in time these Terms of Use may be altered, the repeated use of the website after said change’s shows the agreement to be assured by the altered Terms of Use. If said changes take place to the Terms of Use then this will be made clear but we strongly advise you to frequently check our Terms of use, so you know any changes that are made and in case there are any new terms that you do not agree with then you must immediately stop using our Website(“Site”).




By using this website (“Site”), you acknowledge and agree that all trademarks, copyright and intellectual property rights in the website content are protected and belong to Global Cheese Ltd unless stated.

Any trademarks or copyright used on our website not belonging to Global Cheese Ltd has been granted permission from the owner in order to use and display their trademark or copyright.

You are not permitted to reproduce, copy, transmit, publish, license, modify, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, commercially exploit, transfer, upload or sell any material without our written consent to do so.

You are prohibited to send any harmful or unlawful material to or via the site: any virus, obscene, pornographic, indecent, scandalous or any site functionality in which grants you the capability to share site content.

We have the right to delete, edit and review any material which is sent to the website(“Site”).

We also are capable of cancelling any account or registration without any notice or prior warning for any reason deemed fit.

If you have any enquiries regarding how your information has been used please feel free to contact us at info@globalcheese.co.uk.

To review our privacy policy please visit the page found below.




Visit Us

25/27 Bilton Way, Dallow 

Road, Luton, 

Bedfordshire, LU1 1UU

United Kingdom

Contact us

Phone: +(44) 15 8295 8669

Fax: +(44) 15 8273 1474


Privacy Policy

Terms of Use


Open Hours

M-F: 9am - 5pm

Sat: Closed

Sun: Closed